Website Hosting With Amplify Console

Following the theme of our previous post, “Static Website Hosting With CloudFormation“, I thought that before moving onto a radically different topic we could keep exploring alternative ways of reaching similar outcomes.

To no one’s surprise, there’s always multiple ways of doing the same thing on AWS. Options typically vary on pricing, functionality, ease of use, management overheard and more, so today we will be having a look at Amplify Console. The Amplify brand is all geared towards making web and mobile development as easy and streamlined as possible (the “umbrella” contains client side libraries, backend provisioning, hosting, CI/CD, CLI). So with Amplify Console we see their approach to hosting and CI/CD, in an easier and significantly less “hands-on” approach compared to having to roll out your deployment pipelines, buckets, SSL, etc.

The Application

Feel free to follow this step by step or use your own applications. In my case, I’ll be using the calculator app from the community built React applications that you can find on their site. The majority of the instructions would apply to any application with some exceptions needed for apps built using create-react-app.

Getting Started

Head over to the Amplify homepage and create a new app and choose “Host web app”





We’re now presented with a choice for our source code provider. In my case, I’ll be using CodeCommit but you can choose from the most common ones as well as manually uploading your application (which unless being a quick prototype, it kind of defeats the purpose). Depending on your provider of choice, you’ll need to accept and enable the various different permissions for the service to be able to read your repository as that’ll be needed in order to detect changes and pull the code.


The first bit of magic will come in after hitting the Next button. You might find there’s a slight delay and that’s because Amplify is looking into your repository in order to find build settings for your application or auto create one for you. Amplify will be able to detect and automatically create settings for most common setups. It’ll be able to see if you use NPM or YARN, React or Vue and even if you’re using a static site generator such as Hugo or Gatsby. You could be in luck and the auto generated settings don’t need any manual intervention but even if you need to change a value here or there, what’s presented to you will get you at least 80% of the way there.


After that, you’re presented with everything up to that point and you should be able to save your project. The service will bootstrap your application and it’ll start a new deployment, providing you with an unique URL (with SSL enabled) to access your site. There are also a number of settings on the left hand side menu such as domain management, notifications, access control (i.e setting a password for your site), monitoring, redirects and more. Let me know if you would like to dive deeper on those on future posts.

And that’s it! Your site should be up and running, a deployment pipeline is set up for you behind the scenes so any future changes that you make to the connected branch will trigger a new deployment.


A note on create-react-app

If you followed along with the same application or are using create-react-app for yours, you are going to see that things won’t work out of the box. I’ll list below the changes I made in order to have it running, however you could also make some adjustments within the actual build process to move files across.


The index.html is located under the “public” folder as opposed to the root of the repository so a redirect rule was needed there.


Build Settings

Not much needed to change here except where our base directory is located. The create-react-app build process will save all its files under the “build” folder so I just needed to adjust that to reflect that difference.



Finally, create-react-app uses the “homepage” value in your package.json to assume where your app lives. All I had to do there was setting it up as an empty value (“”).

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